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Tried three times, haven't beaten Satant yet.

(1 edit)

Yeah, the game's probably too hard currently tbh. But it is beatable :)

Thanks for trying it out!


The first time I spent liberally and didn't have anything to fight the wasps with.  The second time I didn't realize warriors didn't count as sacrifices on the altar (and they're expensive so I shouldn't have used them anyway).  The third time my forces kept getting split by enemies my warriors couldn't path-find to.  The new navigation server might help if there were ever another build.  I'll probably give it another go sometime.


Very interesting! Really good concept! Congrats!


Funny game! I could discover something new throughout the game. PS. Nice design! 🙂


Enjoyable and funny little game. It is really fascinating to watch how the ants behave, it is a really good simulation. Definitely give it a try!